Prophetic Encouragement : Part 1

We are called to be people who speak God’s words, that will bring encouragement, comfort and edification. This Sunday we look at 1 Corinthians 14 and Ezra 3 to consider how prophetic words can change lives and inspire God’s people into action. “For all of you can prophesy, one by Read more…

Better Together

Better Together | Nicole Camacho. This week we get to delve into the beauty of interpersonal relationships and how important they are to us as a church family, especially in times of change. I have the honour of drawing on my very own (recently submitted) thesis to illustrate how God Read more…


Single + Awesome | Sacha OlsonThis Sunday we will be gathering around tables to discuss the topic of Singleness. The Bible says some pretty bold things about the life of a single person and it also teaches us some important truths about how we can be Church family to one Read more…

Mission-shaped relationships

Tim Palmer + Josh van de Worp.We conclude our “Renew Together” series, as we pray for and support our work overseas with NZ Baptist Missionary Society. We’ll be taking up a special offering during the service, specifically for the work of NZBMS. I’d like to ask you to prayerfully consider Read more…

Renew Together

Renew Together | Carol Dobbe.Carol Dobbe will be sharing with us this Sunday as we begin our “Renew Together” series. Recently Carol returned to New Zealand, concluding her overseas mission work in India. As we hear Carol reflect back on this journey, and describe what the future looks like for Read more…